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Current Update

The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing

Feb 06, 2025

See our new Investigtor Tip, The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing, whichbegins as follows:

For over 7 decades, the Reid Technique has employed and has been based on “science-based methodology.”

At the American...

Previous Updates

Testifying in Court

Dec 04, 2018

In their Winter 2018 publication, Point of View, the Alameda County District Attorney's office, (Nancy E. O'Mally, District Attorney) has published an article entitled, Testifying in Court, which discusses the testimony guidelines...

Indiana Supreme Court finds that assistant principal questioning a student about criminal mischief was not acting as an agent of the police

Nov 27, 2018

In D.Z. v. State (June 2018) the Supreme Court of Indiana found that in a criminal mischief and harassment case when the assistant high school principal questioned the juvenile suspect (student)...

Legal Updates Fall 2018

Nov 20, 2018

The Legal Updates Fall 2018 column contains cases which address the following issues:
Confession was suppressed when request to stop answering questions was ignored (value of the video in supporting defendant�s...

References to John E. Reid and Associates in Making a Murder Part 2

Nov 05, 2018

In the Netflix series, Making a Murder Part 2, the interrogation of Brendan Dassey is discussed by Attorney Steve Drizen and Attorney Lauara Nirider during the first 15 minutes of Episode...

Factors to consider in the evaluation of the voluntariness of a confession

Nov 01, 2018

In Keyser v. Smith (Sept. 2018) the US District Court, E.D. Pennsylvania, articulated many of the factors that must be considered in evaluating the voluntariness of a confession:
The duration and means...

The Alameda County District Attorney's Office: Interrogation

Oct 11, 2018

The Alameda County District Attorney�s Office has prepared and published an excellent article entitled, Interrogation, which examines numerous interrogation issues, including when pressure becomes coercion, looking at such elements as location of...

Legal Updates Summer 2018

Aug 16, 2018

The Legal Updates Summer 2018 column contains cases which address the following issues
Interrogation 5 hours after initial advisement of rights was �reasonably contemporaneous� with the initial waiverValue...

Exclusive Offer for Reid Graduates

Jul 18, 2018

50% Off Refresher
Need a refresher? As a previous Reid Graduate you will receive 50% off when you register for any open enrollment, THE REID TECHNIQUE OF INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEWING AND...

References to the Reid Technique in the world of literature

Jul 09, 2018

In a murder mystery novel by Scott Pratt, entitled "Good Faith" (2018) the author makes the following reference to the Reid Technique:

Page 148:

"He thought briefly about how...

Independence Day Savings

Jul 03, 2018

Independence Day Savings

Register for any of these open enrollment July courses and save.


$795 Regular Price...

One of our senior instructors, Attorney Philip Mullenix, has just published an excellent article in the Marine Corps Gazette entitled, "On Leadership: Core leadership traits."

Jun 27, 2018

Here are the opening paragraphs of the article:
It's a fact that each of you possess skills in your underlying MOS and as a leader in the Marine Corps. Because...

Clarifying/Correcting Court Statements about the Reid Technique

Jun 20, 2018

State v. Pico (2018) In their opinion the court stated the following:
During at least part of the interview, Detective Rich used what is known as the "Reid technique." This...

Legal Updates Spring 2018

Jun 01, 2018

The Legal Updates Spring 2018 column contains cases which address the following issues:

Court finds Dr. Richard Leo's testimony of false confessions to be unreliableCourt rejects the testimony...

May/June 2017 Investigator Tip: The Value of Behavior Provoking Questions - A Case Study

May 01, 2018

The investigative interview process in the Reid Technique is called the Behavior Analysis Interview (BAI). The BAI consists of three types of questions: Initial Questions designed to develop biographical information, establish...

Legal Updates Winter 2018

Apr 06, 2018

The Legal Updates Winter 2018 column contains cases which address the following issues:

When the interview became custodial the suspect should have been advised of his Miranda rightsPromises on leniency nullify the...

Reid and the Innocence Project

Mar 29, 2018

Over the years John E. Reid and Associates has assisted the Innocence Project (New York) on several cases as expert witnesses on proper interview and interrogation techniques, as well as the exoneration...

An example of Dr. Richard Leo's testimony on the issue of false confessions

Mar 28, 2018

In the case, US v. Begay (February 2018) the US District Court, D. New Mexico described Dr. Ricahrd Leo"s testimony as he described his view of current police interrogation methods, and false...

Police Chief magazine article on the PEACE Method

Jan 01, 2018

The November 2017 issue of Police Chief magazine features an article entitled, Bringing PEACE to the United States. The article is well written and provides the reader with a very...

How defense attorneys describe the Reid Technique in the courtroom - and where they go wrong

Dec 28, 2017

In Radilla-Esquivel v. Davis (December 2017) US District Court, W.D. Texas the defense attorney made a number of erroneous assertions about the Reid Technique. His statements (taken from the US District Court...

Federal Appeals Court upholds confession of "Making a Murderer" subject Brendan Dassey

Dec 18, 2017

In Dassey v. Dittmann (December 2017) the U.S.Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, upheld the admissibility of Brendan Dassey's confession, ruling that the state court's determination that defendant confessed to murder voluntarily...