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Current Update

The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing

Feb 06, 2025

See our new Investigtor Tip, The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing, whichbegins as follows:

For over 7 decades, the Reid Technique has employed and has been based on “science-based methodology.”

At the American...

Previous Updates

Detective erroneously associates sleep deprivation with the Reid Technique

May 19, 2016

In Crafton v. District of Columbia, et. al., Defendants (September 2015) reference is made by the interrogating detective that when questioning the suspect, Kim Crafton, he connected a “lengthy, grueling 17-hour videotaped...

Legal Updates Spring 2016

Apr 30, 2016

Legal Updates Spring 2016 The Legal Updates Spring 2016 column contains cases which address the following issues:Detective erroneously associates “sleep deprivation” with the Reid TechniquePlaintiff claims Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism...

The Legal Updates Winter 2016

Mar 29, 2016

The Legal Updates Winter 2016 column contains cases which address the following issues:California Supreme Court upholds rejection of Dr. Richard Leo testimonyThe value of videotaping the interrogation in disputing intoxication claimConfession voluntariness...

TASER Exposure and Cognitive Impairment: Implications for Valid Miranda Waivers and the Timing of Police Custodial Interrogations

Mar 27, 2016

In the above referenced article the authors suggest that an individual who has experienced TASER exposure will experience reduced cognitive functioning. As a result the authors question the abilities of an "average"...

Rebutting a Murderer: Facts Proving Steven Avery is Guilty

Jan 25, 2016

In response to the Netflix series, Making a Murderer, Dan O'Donnell, who originally covered the Steven Avery trial as a news anchor and reporter, and is releasing a 10-part podcast series on...

Making of a Murderer: The Reid Technique and Juvenile Interrogations

Jan 18, 2016

Here is the opening paragraph of our January/February Investigator Tip: "In the Netflix program, Making a Murderer, which examines the conviction of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey for the sexual assault and...

Cases By Category

Jan 17, 2016

On a regular basis over the last 10 years we have published on our website and through our quarterly newsletter legal updates of current cases which address relevant interview and interrogation issues...

International Association of Chiefs of Police publish guide for the questioning of Juveniles

Jan 16, 2016

The IACP has published a document entitled, Reducing Risks: An Executive's Guide to Effective Juvenile Interview and Interrogation. Among their recommendations, the authors point out the importance of making sure that young...

The Legal Updates Fall 2015

Jan 16, 2016

The Legal Updates Fall 2015 column contains cases which address the following issues:What constitutes an intellectual disability? What is mental retardation?Is it coercive to tell a subject that it was important for...

Why Training with John E. Reid & Associates is so Valuable!

Nov 18, 2015

Mark Holloway, developer of Thin Blue Training interviewed our Vice President, Lou Senese regarding interviewing and interrogation training and why it is so important.

To listen to the podcast click...

Court admonishes investigator for not following Reid guidelines

Nov 11, 2015

In this case the Appeals court pointed out several prescribed Reid procedures that were not followed by the investigator, resulting in a confession that was found to be involuntary:


The Inside Information Checklist

Oct 22, 2015

In the August 2015 issue of The Police Chief magazine (published by the International Association of Chiefs of Police) Dr. Gregory DeClue has written an article entitled "The Inside Information Checklist." In...

Proper Persuasion - Reid article is the cover story for the August 2015 issue of Security Management magazine

Oct 15, 2015

In the August 2015 issue of Security Management magazine from ASIS International, the cover story, "Proper Persuasion" is an article written by David Buckley - one of our senior instructors. Here is...

Review of Reid 90 minute online training program

Oct 15, 2015

ASIS International published a review of our 90 minute online training program, "The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation for Investigators - Parts 1-7" in the August 2015 issue of Security Management...

Legal Updates for Summer 2015

Aug 01, 2015

The Legal Updates Summer 2015 column contains cases which address the following issues:Court admonishes investigator for not following Reid guidelines Value of video recording interrogation to determine competency to waive rights10-year-old can...

Legal Updates for Spring 2015

Jun 01, 2015

The Legal Updates Spring 2015 column contains cases which address the following issues:Court rules that a minimal understanding of Miranda rights is sufficient to make a knowing and intelligent waiverCourt excludes the...

International Research Validates the Core Elements of the Reid Technique

May 11, 2015

Over the years numerous international research studies have been conducted on the Reid Technique ñ here are a few that include research from Japan, Korea, Spain, Canada and the US. All of...

Author corrects misrepresentation of the Reid Technique

Apr 13, 2015

In PsycCRITIQUES (Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, American Psychological Association) M. Dyan McGuire reviews the book, "The Miranda Ruling: its Past, Present and Future" by Lawrence Wrightsman and Mary Pitman. In...

High Value Detainee Group research validates the core principles of The Reid Technique

Apr 13, 2015

From the Scientific American (Vol. 26, Issue 23) an article entitled, "How to Extract a Confession...Ethically" confirms the basic tenant of the Reid Technique - always treat the subject with understanding and...

Legal Updates for Winter 2015

Mar 18, 2015

The Legal Updates Winter 2015 column contains cases which address the following issues:Court did not allow David Mantell to testify as an expert on false confessionsDefendant was not denied effective assistance due...