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False Confession Issues

If it does not fit the reporter's narrative, it doesn't make the story

Mar 24, 2025

In a recent article published on the WLBT3 website entitled, “Amanda Knox calls for ban on police lying to suspects during interrogation”, the authors describe several false confession cases in which they...

Information For Attorneys and Law Enforcement Officers regarding the Reid Technique and What False Confession Experts Say During Their Testimony and in Their Reports

Sep 10, 2024

The following are Investigator Tips that we have posted on our website in recent years that will provide helpful information to Law Enforcement Officers and Attorneys who deal with the issues of...

False Confessions - the Issues to be Considered

Jul 28, 2024

Several years ago we posted on our YouTube channel, The Reid Technique Tips, a two part presentation on False Confessions - the issues to be considered.

The following is a document that...

Responding to a False Confession Expert in Your Case

Apr 09, 2024

Oftentimes the defense will present a "false confession expert” to testify that the investigator obtained a coerced and/or false confession. We have published a number of articles describing the type of statements...

Police-Induced Confessions, 2.0: Risk Factors and Recommendations - Reid Comments

Mar 25, 2024

In 2010 an article entitled, “Police-Induced Confessions: Risk Factors and Recommendations” was published - Law Hum Behav 2010 Feb; 34(1):49-52. Recently a draft of an updated version was circulated for comment. The...

Duped, by Saul Kassin

Apr 02, 2022

In his new book entitled, Duped, Professor Saul Kassin discusses why some innocent people confess to crimes that they did not commit. In almost every instance false confessions were the result...

Creating a False Narrative - How They Intentionlly Mislead You

Feb 26, 2022

Creating a False Narrative - How They Intentionally Mislead You

Almost without exception, when a defense attorney, social psychologist or academician describes the Reid Technique, they start the discussion with statements along...

False Confessions - The Issues to be Considered

Jun 02, 2021

False Confessions – The Issues to be Considered

In our May/June Investigator's Tip we discuss the primary causes of and contributing factors to false confessions, and the Best Practices to follow...

The Norfolk Four

Jan 11, 2021

The Sun newspaper printed an article on October 6, 2020: “Shocking case of four Navy sailors wrongly convicted of rape & murder shows anyone can be forced to falsely confess” in which...

False Confessions - Causes and Remedies

Jan 11, 2021

We recently posted on our YouTube channel - The Reid Technique Tips - a two part video presentation: False Confessions - The Issues to be Considered in which we discuss the causes...

Cases that demonstrate the value of electronically recording interrogations

Dec 16, 2019

Since 2007 we have been posting on our website in our quarterly Legal Update columns court decisions that illustrate the value of electronically recording interrogations. These cases illustrate the importance of the...

Should Investigators Be Allowed To Lie About Evidence To A Subject During Interrogation?

Nov 08, 2019

The state of New York is considering legislation that would prohibit investigators from lying to a subject about evidence in the case, such as indicating to the subject during the interrogation that...

September/October 2019 Investigator Tip

Aug 27, 2019

What questions should be asked to determine the voluntariness and validity of a subject's


While there are numerous issues to consider in the process of evaluating...

An example of how Dr. Richard Leo testifies about the interrogation process

Feb 13, 2019

In the case US v. Hyatt (January 2019) the US District Court, E.D. California, included the following description of the testimony of Dr. Richard Leo.

"Leo is a professor of law...

An Example of what Dr. Richard Leo says when he testifies on the issue of false confessions

Jan 31, 2019

In People v. Lucero (January 2019) the court summarized the testimony of Dr. Richard Leo on the issue of false confessions as follows:

Richard Leo, a professor of law and...

Factors to consider in the evaluation of the voluntariness of a confession

Nov 01, 2018

In Keyser v. Smith (Sept. 2018) the US District Court, E.D. Pennsylvania, articulated many of the factors that must be considered in evaluating the voluntariness of a confession:
The duration and means...

An example of Dr. Richard Leo's testimony on the issue of false confessions

Mar 28, 2018

In the case, US v. Begay (February 2018) the US District Court, D. New Mexico described Dr. Ricahrd Leo"s testimony as he described his view of current police interrogation methods, and false...

Excellent example of how false confession experts misrepresent what we teach in the Reid Technique

Jan 06, 2017

In State v. Tapke the Court of Appeals of Ohio upheld the defendant's confession which was obtained by an officer who was trained in The Reid Technique. Dr. Richard Ofshe testified about...

Dr. Richard Leo Testimony In Jimerson v. State (June 2016)

Oct 26, 2016

In Jimerson v. State (June 2016) Dr. Richard Leo testified about police interrogation techniques and specifically referenced the Reid Technique. The following is a discussion of several statements that Dr. Leo made...

Dr. Richard Leo report describes his view of false confession issues and police interrogation techniques

Aug 31, 2016

In a recent report in an alleged false confession case, Dr. Richard Leo describes his view of current law enforcement interrogation techniques and the various issues associated with false confessions. Dr. Leo’s...