What's New

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Current Update

The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing

Feb 06, 2025

See our new Investigtor Tip, The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing, whichbegins as follows:

For over 7 decades, the Reid Technique has employed and has been based on “science-based methodology.”

At the American...

Previous Updates

The Reid Technique for Human Trafficking Investigations

Jan 20, 2021

The Reid Technique for Human Trafficking Investigations…here are a few details:

In this new 75 minute online video training program, which includes a printable study guide, key elements of the Reid Technique...

Factors to consider in determining custody

Jan 11, 2021

Attorney James Manak prepared an article for John E. Reid and Associates in which he discusses several court decisions which addressed the issue of what are the proper factors to consider in...

Interrogation Themes for Anarchists

Jan 11, 2021

The anarchist is one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order rebelling against authority or the ruling party. Unfortunately, during 2020, we have seen these crimes increase exponentially.


The Norfolk Four

Jan 11, 2021

The Sun newspaper printed an article on October 6, 2020: “Shocking case of four Navy sailors wrongly convicted of rape & murder shows anyone can be forced to falsely confess” in which...

The Reid Technique for Pre-Employment Interviewing Strategies – a new online video training program

Jan 11, 2021

We are excited to announce a new online video training program entitled The Reid Technique for Pre-Employment Interviewing Strategies. The program includes a 20-page Study Guide and an optional exam that you...

Reid Litigation With Netflix Ends

Jan 11, 2021

The following statement is from John E. Reid & Associates (‘Reid’):

Reid sued Netflix for defamation regarding a reference to the Reid Technique of interrogation in the program, When They...

September October 2020 Investigator Tip

Jan 11, 2021

The September/October 2020 Investigator Tip provides you with links to 25 Reid Video Tips that will help you to enhance your interviewing and interrogation (positive persuasion) skills.
Click Here for the Tip.

False Confessions - Causes and Remedies

Jan 11, 2021

We recently posted on our YouTube channel - The Reid Technique Tips - a two part video presentation: False Confessions - The Issues to be Considered in which we discuss the causes...

Reid YouTube Channel - The Reid Technique Tips

Jan 11, 2021

Visit our YouTube channel - The Reid Technique Tips- where we have posted a number of short video presentations (most are 3-5 minutes) which address such topics as:

Description of the...

Professor Alan Hirsch Misrepresents the Reid Technique Again

Jan 11, 2021

In the case, State v. Kincaid, (August 2020) Professor Hirsch testified that the Reid Technique uses two pillars for interrogation - the first being confrontation, the second minimization. “So with (those) they...

Reid announces two new online video training programs

Jan 11, 2021

We are excited to announce two new one-hour online video training programs: The Reid Technique for Patrol Officers and The Reid Technique for Telephone Investigative Interviews. Each program comes with a Study...

What questions should I ask during the investigative interview?

May 26, 2020

What questions should I ask during the investigative interview?

In an effort to assist investigators in determining the type of investigative and behavior provoking questions to ask during an interview...

Interviewing Strategy for Intelligence Gathering

Apr 24, 2020

Obtaining information about another's unlawful activities (or planned misconduct that has not yet been executed) can be more challenging than asking one to acknowledge their own prior misdeeds. The code of silence...

"Virus of hate" spotlights importance of interrogation themes

Apr 13, 2020

Amid an uptick in coronavirus-related hate crimes, investigators can use empathy to relate to offenders

It appears that the number of hate crimes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is...

Legal Updates Winter 2020

Apr 10, 2020

The Legal Updates Winter 2020 column contains cases which address the following issues:
Incriminating statements were made in violation of Miranda Confession voluntariness: ambiguous request to terminate the questioning and over stating...

Clarifying Misrepresentations About Law Enforcement Interrogation Techniques

Feb 12, 2020

Over the years social psychologists, defenses attorneys and some academicians have offered a number of criticisms of current law enforcement interrogation practices, and, in particular, the Reid Technique. Some of these criticisms...

Telephone Interviewing Techniques Part One (January/Feburary Investigator Tip)

Dec 31, 2019

Certainly the ideal circumstance for an investigative interview is a face-to-face meeting with the subject. However, due to a variety of factors, it is becoming more and more frequent for investigators to...

No case supports the contention that using the Reid technique renders and adult's confession inadmissible

Dec 19, 2019

In the case State v. Belaunde (December 2019) the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division when considering the voluntariness of the defendant's incriminating statement, stated in their opinion that "No...

Cases that demonstrate the value of electronically recording interrogations

Dec 16, 2019

Since 2007 we have been posting on our website in our quarterly Legal Update columns court decisions that illustrate the value of electronically recording interrogations. These cases illustrate the importance of the...

Legal Updates Fall 2019

Dec 16, 2019

The Legal Updates Fall 2019 column contains cases which address the following issues: The investigator's discussion of religion during defendant's interrogation did not rise to the level of a beneficial promiseCourt reject's...