What's New
Latest information from Reid and other industry news
Current Update
“American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement
Feb 13, 2025
In a recent article published February 10, 2025 entitled, “American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement by Julie Watts from CBS News California Investigates...
Previous Updates
Case demonstrates the care and caution that must be exercised in the interrogation of juveniles
Mar 03, 2009
In the case of 12 year-old Anthony Harris the Ohio Fifth Appellate District court "unanimously overturned Judge Kate's decision. The police had violated Anthony's Fifth Amendment rights: He had been in custody...
Common Mistakes Made During Investigative Interviews and Interrogations
Mar 03, 2009
In a recent issue of their newsletter PoliceOne.com published an excellent article by Louis Senese, VP of John E. Reid and Associates, on some of the common mistakes that we see investigators...
New Canadian column: The 24-hour Clock: The relationship between sec. 503 C.C. and the†duration†of an interrogation
Feb 22, 2009
In his new article for the Member's page, Gino Arcaro discusses how long an interrogation can last according to Canadian law.
I.†††††††††††††† Interrogation Time limit
What is the time limit...
Legal Update February, 2009
Feb 22, 2009
The Legal Update document for February 2009 includes cases†addressing†the following issues:
Ambiguous lawyer request
Two cases regarding an ambiguous request to invoke Fifth Amendment right to remain silent
New Seminar: Creating a Safe Learning Environment for Children
Feb 17, 2009
John E. Reid and Associates offers this one-day training seminar which discusses the problem of child molesters targeting students within the school environment and identifies appropriate responses and offers solutions. This seminar...
Two New Canadian Legal Columns
Dec 26, 2008
Reid Institute Members will find 2 new Canadian legal columns on the Members What's New page. The first column discusses the case R. v. L.T.H (2008) S.C.C. Young offenders' waiver of right...
PoliceOne.com publishes new Reid article
Dec 01, 2008
In their Street Survival Newsline newsletter PoliceOne.com has published a recent article by Reid VP Louis Senese, "Incest: Anatomy of Interrogation Theme Selection and Development."
Success With Reid
Nov 03, 2008
Dear Mr. Buckley,
I would like to take this opportunity to commend Chief Chuck Gruber for his professionalism and expertise on his recent presentation to the Rockford Police Department. Chief Gruber...
Two new Canadian columns
Nov 03, 2008
We have added two new columns about Canadian legal decisions to the Reid Institute Members page. Here are the initial paragraphs for each column:
The Quality of Lawyer Consultation: What constitutes...
The Arab Naming Convention
Nov 03, 2008
In the March/April 2008 edition of the National Academy Associate (the publication of the FBI National Academy Associates) they published a very informative article about the basis and formulation of Arab names...
Legal Updates -†Summer†2008
Oct 15, 2008
In the legal Updates for Summer 2008 the following case topics are discussed:
Courts limit or reject the testimony of expert witnesses Richard Leo, Richard Ofshe, Saul Kassin, Mark Castanza, Susan...
Hiring the Best seminar testimonial
Sep 24, 2008
On behalf of Lower Pottsgrove Township Police Department, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for conducting the seminar, "Hiring the Best," in Pottstown, Pennsylvania on April 1, 2008.
Reid Institute Members - new Canadian column - "Fresh Start" and the "Pendulum Swing"
Sep 01, 2008
Reid Institute Members - new Canadian column - "Fresh Start" and the "Pendulum Swing"
In Gino Arcaro's 2007 3-part interrogation series he addressed the issue of admissibility of...
Canada Supreme Court rules that police are not immune from liability under the law of negligence
Jul 15, 2008
In the case of Hill v. Hamilton‑Wentworth Regional Police Services Board (2007) the Canada Supreme Court ruled that:The police are not immune from liability under the law of negligence and the tort...
New article on the BAI published in the International Journal of Police Science & Management
Jul 01, 2008
Joseph Buckley (president of John E. Reid and Associates), Frank Horvath (professor emeritus, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University) and J. P. Blair (assistant professor of criminal justice at Texas State...
Article reviews false confession cases
Jun 03, 2008
In an article entitled, "The Problem of False Confessions in the Post-DNA World" authors Steven Drizin and Richard Leo analyze 125 false confession cases.
Article describes how criminal defense attorneys should attack confession cases
May 22, 2008
In their publication, Champion magazine, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers have published an article entitled, Defending Unrecorded False Confession Cases, in which the author presents a detailed approach for how...
Announcing The 2008 Reid Conference for Investigative Training
May 12, 2008
The 2008 Reid Conference will be held in Oak Brook, Illinois from September 29th to October 1. The following topics and speakers are tentatively scheduled:
Identifying Micro-Facial Expressions presented by Paul...
Reid Institute Members - Two new Canadian Columns are available: "Prosper Warning: Part 1" and "Prosper Warning: Part 2"
May 07, 2008
By Gino Arcaro B.Sc., M.Ed
I. Executive Summary
It is a common occurrence for an arrested person to invoke the right to counsel by asking to consult with a lawyer then...
PoliceOne.com publishes two new Reid articles
May 07, 2008
In their Street Survival Newsline newsletter PoliceOne.com has published to recent articles by Reid staff: Understanding and Investigating Child Physical Abuse by Robert H. Farley, and Murder: Anatomy of Interrogation Theme Selection...