New Canadian column: The 24-hour Clock: The relationship between sec. 503 C.C. and the†duration†of an interrogation

Written By: Reid
Feb 22, 2009
In his new article for the Member's page, Gino Arcaro discusses how long an interrogation can last according to Canadian law.

I.†††††††††††††† Interrogation Time limit

What is the time limit for a police interrogation?

How long can the police interrogate an arrested person?

There is no concrete time limit in Canadian law. The answer is found in the combined effect of:
  1. †††††††††††††† sec. 503 Criminal Code,
  2. ††††††††††††† sec 515(11) C.C.,
  3. †††††††††† sec. 9 Charter, and
  4. ††††††††††† R. v. Oickle (2000) SC.C.
  5. †††††††††††† R. v. Storrey (1990) SC.C.
  6. ††††††††† R. v. Singh (2007) SC.C.
  7. ††††††††† R. v. Manninen (1987) SC.C.
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