Responding to a False Confession Expert in Your Case
Oftentimes the defense will present a "false confession expert” to testify that the investigator obtained a coerced and/or false confession. We have published a number of articles describing the type of statements that the “experts” make; the various factors that they consider in their assessment; and the type of reports that they issue.
Here are several links to those articles - please share them with your colleagues and prosecutors.
- The Disingenuous Testimony from Social Psychologists About the Reid Technique
- A General Outline of Richard Leo's Testimony on False Confession Issues and Reid's Responses
- What Do False Confession Experts Say in Their Reports?
- What False Confession Experts Say About the Reid Technique and Our Responses
- Clarifying Misrepresentations About Interrogation Techniques (updated May 2023)
- The Truth About the Research Social Psychologists Use as the Basis for Testimony Regarding False and/or Coerced Confessions
- Principles of Practice: How to Conduct Proper Investigative Interviews and Interrogations
- False Confessions: The Issues to be Considered
- What Questions Should be Asked to Determine the Voluntariness and Validity of a Subject’s Confession?
and finally, since these “false confession experts” oftentimes misrepresent the elements of the Reid Technique here are two articles that detail the Reid Technique interview and interrogation process.
- A Description of The Reid Technique
- Police-Induced Confessions, 2.0: Risk Factors and Recommendations - Reid Comments
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Joseph P.Buckley