Information For Attorneys and Law Enforcement Officers regarding the Reid Technique and What False Confession Experts Say During Their Testimony and in Their Reports
The following are Investigator Tips that we have posted on our website in recent years that will provide helpful information to Law Enforcement Officers and Attorneys who deal with the issues of false and/or coerced confessions in their cases.
The Reid Technique
The Reid Technique is a Non-confrontational, Non-accusatory Process
Reid Policy on the Use of Deception During an Interrogation
The Reid Technique: International Research and the Value of Behavior Symptom Analysis
Principles of Practice: How to Conduct Proper Investigative Interviews and Interrogations
The Use of the Baiting Technique
A Description of The Reid Technique
What Critics of Law Enforcement Interrogations and the Reid Technique Say
Richard Leo's Boilerplate Statement Regarding Police Interrogation Practices
Responding to a False Confession Expert in Your Case
What Do False Confession Experts Say in Their Reports?
The Disingenuous Testimony from Social Psychologists About the Reid Technique
A General Outline of Richard Leo's Testimony on False Confession Issues and Reid Responses
What False Confession Experts Say About the Reid Technique and Our Responses
Interrogation and Confession Judicial Decisions Organized by Subject Matter
False Confessions: The Issues to be Considered
Clarifying Misrepresentations About Interrogation Techniques (updated May 2023)