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Reid Statements/Responses

Canadian Judge finds interrogation process to be 'oppressive' - mislabels as The Reid Technique

Sep 20, 2012

Earlier this month a lower court judge in Alberta, Canada in the case R. v. Chapple, found that a confession obtained after an 8 hour interrogation was inadmissible because the interrogation process...

Canadian article critical of the Reid Technique - our response

Nov 30, 2011

On November 25, 2011 an article was written by Joseph Brean in the National Post on line newspaper in Canada, critical of the Reid Technique. Click here for the complete article -...

Why Offenders Confess - new article published by Reid VP Louis Senese

Sep 19, 2011

In the October 2011 issue of Blue Line magazine (published in Canada), our company Vice President, Louis Senese, has published an article entitled, Why Offenders Confess. Here are some excerpts from the...

An Analysis of the Confession of Khalid Sheikh Muhammad in the Development of Themes for the Interrogation of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist Suspects

Feb 15, 2010

In this article, Louis Senese, vice president of John E.. Reid and Associates, and Philip A. Mullenix, a former instructor of the Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation(R) and a practicing Chicago...

Reid Interview Software now available

Oct 22, 2009

John E. Reid and Associates is pleased to announce the availability of the Computer Employment Application (CEA) - a software program that will interview your job applicants for you. The CEA is...

Common Mistakes Made During Investigative Interviews and Interrogations

Mar 03, 2009

In a recent issue of their newsletter PoliceOne.com published an excellent article by Louis Senese, VP of John E. Reid and Associates, on some of the common mistakes that we see investigators...

PoliceOne.com publishes new Reid article

Dec 01, 2008

In their Street Survival Newsline newsletter PoliceOne.com has published a recent article by Reid VP Louis Senese, "Incest: Anatomy of Interrogation Theme Selection and Development."

New article on the BAI published in the International Journal of Police Science & Management

Jul 01, 2008

Joseph Buckley (president of John E. Reid and Associates), Frank Horvath (professor emeritus, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University) and J. P. Blair (assistant professor of criminal justice at Texas State...