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Current Update

“American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement

Feb 13, 2025

In a recent article published February 10, 2025 entitled, “American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement by Julie Watts from CBS News California Investigates...

Previous Updates

Reid in Iraq

Dec 15, 2003

Recently one of our senior instructors, Bill Schrieber, conducted a training seminar on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation in Baghdad at the International Airport for the US military. To say...

Miranda Chart

Dec 12, 2003

For the IACP Conference this year, Lisa Judge with the Tucson, Arizona Police Department prepared an excellent Miranda flow chart that very effectively outlines the proper sequence of events for the various...

Psychology & Law: International, Inter-disciplinary, Conference

Nov 12, 2003

In July 2003 an international conference was held in Edinburgh: Psychology & Law: International, Inter-disciplinary, Conference. This was the second international and inter-disciplinary conference, supported by the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), the...

Reid Preferred Group of Associations (RPGA)

Nov 06, 2003

The Reid Preferred Group of Associations (RPGA) is a program offered to associations in which they receive special discounts on course registration fees and training materials for their members. You can participate...

Reid Technique Research...

Oct 20, 2003

In a research project for his Masters Degree from Lewis University, Illinois State Police Sergeant Jeffrey Padilla attempted to identify the attributes, attitudes and tactics that make a successful interrogator. He identified...

Supreme Court of Canada...

Sep 18, 2003

The Supreme Court of Canada has approved of the techniques that we teach at our training seminars on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation. We have written an article comparing the...

Two Stage Interrogation Process

Jun 29, 2003

In the case Missouri v. Seibert, No. 02-1371, currently being considered by the U. S. Supreme Court, the investigating officer indicated that he used a two-stage interrogation technique to obtain the respondent's...

Reid Certification

May 03, 2003

the Reid Institute Certification Program is designed to recognize those individuals who have demonstrated their ability to effectively apply the basic concepts and techniques taught in our training seminars and textbooks.

The Reid Consortium

Apr 04, 2003

The Reid Consortium is a program offered to preferred clients in which they receive special discounts on course registration fees and training materials for their department or agency. You can join The...


Feb 01, 2003

Many of our Reid graduates have worked hard to develop their skills using The Reid TechniqueÆ. We often receive feedback from our graduates on how they have successfully used the techniques they...

Reid Institute Members Only Section

Jun 13, 2002

Visit the new Members only section of our site!