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“American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement

Feb 13, 2025

In a recent article published February 10, 2025 entitled, “American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement by Julie Watts from CBS News California Investigates...

Previous Updates

New Abridged edition of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions Book Available

Aug 09, 2004

Hundreds of thousands of investigators have received training in the Reid TechniqueÆ and used the text, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions

Essentials of the Reid Technique teaches readers how to spot and...

U.S. Supreme Court June 2004 decision references our book and firm as teaching the proper way to comply with Miranda

Jul 07, 2004

A basic tenet of the Reid Technique, as taught by John E. Reid and Associates, is that a custodial suspect must be advised of his rights prior to any questioning about a...

Police Experiences with Recording Custodial Interrogations

Jun 17, 2004

Former U. S. Attorney Thomas Sullivan has authored a study entitled 'Police Experiences with recording Custodial Interrogation'. In this study, the author describes the benefits of video recording interrogations as reported by...

New Jersey Court finds Confession Inadmissible - cites our book Criminal Interrogation and Confessions

Jun 17, 2004

In the case of State v. Knight (June 7, 2004) the New Jersey Appellate Court found that the trial court erred in admitting the defendant's confession. In their opinion the Appellate Court...

New Court Decision on The Reid Technique

May 21, 2004

In the case of State v. Myers 2004 WL 1080013 S.C.,2004. decided May 11, 2004, the Supreme Court of South Carolina upheld the admissibility of a confession by investigators utilizing The Reid...

New Jersey Supreme Court Examines the Need to Electronically Record Interrogations

May 21, 2004

In the case State v. Cook 2004 WL 1040375 N.J.,2004, decided May 10, 2004 the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld the admissibility of the defendant's confession, but indicated that "as part of...

New Study on Personality Types Re False Confessions

May 11, 2004

Dr. Gisli Gudjonsson, from the Institute of Psychiatry, UK, (who has published extensively re the phenomena of false confessions), has recently published some new research on the topic of personality and false...

What do the Courts say about The Reid Technique?

Apr 30, 2004

Over the past 20 years The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation has become the standard for proper interviewing and interrogation procedures throughout the country. Thousands of law enforcement, government and private...

Important Trickery and Deceit case

Apr 28, 2004

2003 in the case of State v. Patton 826 A.2d 783, N.J.Super.A.D.,2003 the court very carefully examines the use of trickery and deceit in the interrogation of suspects, and draws a very...

NLRB rules that employees have the right to specify the union rep. of their choice

Apr 21, 2004

In the case of Anheuser-Busch v. NLRB, 4th Cir., No. 02-1740, the National Labor Relations Board reiterated that employees have the right to specify the union representative of their choice that they...

Voice Stress Instruments found to be Unreliable

Mar 14, 2004

Washington University in St. Louis conducted research on voice stress lie-detection technologies and found that they " got dismal results, both in the system's ability to detect people actually engaged in deception...

The Anatomy of a Coerced Murder Confession: Can Post-Conviction Relief Repair the Integrity of the Criminal Justice System?

Mar 12, 2004

On February 17, 2004 Reid president Joseph Buckley appeared at an all day symposium for the American Academy of Forensic Sciences that was called "The Anatomy of a Coerced Murder Confession: Can...

Reviewer calls The Reid Technique an interrogation process "that a free, civilized, and just society can and should endorse without apology.

Mar 12, 2004

In his 28 page review of our book, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, Professor Joseph Grano (now deceased) carefully examined the law and the interrogation techniques that we teach and concluded that our...

State POST Information

Feb 23, 2004

For a listing of Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) information for John E. Reid & Associates, Inc. training seminars, click here.

Study Shows Accuracy of BAI Decisions

Feb 23, 2004

In the Behavior Analysis Interview the investigator asks both investigative as well as behavior provoking questions. We teach at our training seminars that truthful people and deceptive people oftentimes will offer distinctly...

New Survey on Videotaping Interrogations

Feb 23, 2004

In a new survey conducted by John E. Reid and Associates of 800 police officers from Alaska and Minnesota who had been trained in The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation, the...

Response to Kassin Research

Feb 23, 2004

Professor Saul Kassin has recently published a research article called "Behavioral confirmation in the interrogation room: On the dangers of presuming guilt".. Law and Human Behavior, 27,187-203. Co-authored with S. M., Goldstein...

President Bush Signs Law to Correct FCRA

Jan 17, 2004

On December 4, 2003 President Bush signed into law the new Fair Credit Reporting Act, which included an amendment by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) that ended the requirement to notify subjects of...

Mossad Recognizes Value of Reid Training

Jan 15, 2004

In a book about his life, On Life and Death - The Tale of a Lucky Man, a former high ranking agent of the Mossad, the Israeli secret service, credits the training...

College Credit

Jan 02, 2004

You can now receive college credit attending our 3-day seminars on "The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation" and "The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing for Child Abuse Investigations". We have been...