Reid Technique Research...

Written By: Reid
Oct 20, 2003
In a research project for his Masters Degree from Lewis University, Illinois State Police Sergeant Jeffrey Padilla attempted to identify the attributes, attitudes and tactics that make a successful interrogator. He identified 10 of the top interrogators in the Chicago metropolitan area. Eight of the 10 had formal training. Seven of those were trained by John E. Reid and Associates, Inc.

"The most interesting theme to emerge from this research was the relationship between formal interrogation training and the respondents own estimation of their rate of successful interrogation. Those that were formally trained in interrogation tactics estimated that they had been able to obtain confessions in 75-90% of the cases in which they conducted interrogations. It should also be noted that seven of the eight formally trained interrogators were schooled by John E. Reid and Associates of Chicago, Illinois in The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation."

"Larry seemed to possess an incredible ability to quickly analyze behavior and interpret what was truly being communicated by a suspect. But as Larry said, he had the 'Holy Grail' of interrogation. He had a system he followed very closely. That was the Reid Technique."
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