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Legal Updates for October 2007
Oct 16, 2007
We have prepared a Legal Update that reviews a number of different court decisions that impact on a variety of issues concerning confession admissibility, expert witnesses and interrogation practices
Value of Reid Training
Oct 15, 2007
Throughout the year we receive feedback from†hundreds of our seminar graduates on the value of attending our seminar on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation - here are two recent ones:
Jeffrey Deskovic was wrongfully convicted of murder. During the investigation Mr. Deskovic gave a false confession. The Westchester County (NY) District Attorney's office did an analysis of what went wrong
Oct 15, 2007
In part the report states as follows:
Police and Prosecutorial Tunnel Vision - The police focused too early on Deskovic as their prime suspect due, in part, to an inaccurate NYPD...
Reid Institute Members - The new Canadian Column is available on the Members What's New page ñ it is entitled, ìFrontline Interrogations: Solving the ëmere suspicion bindí
Oct 15, 2007
In the case of R.†v.†L.B. (2007) Ont. C.A. Gino Arcaro writes:
The best way to introduce and summarize this case is to quote the Ontario Court of Appeal in the judgment...