Jeffrey Deskovic was wrongfully convicted of murder. During the investigation Mr. Deskovic gave a false confession. The Westchester County (NY) District Attorney's office did an analysis of what went wrong

Written By: Reid
Oct 15, 2007
In part the report states as follows:

Police and Prosecutorial Tunnel Vision - The police focused too early on Deskovic as their prime suspect due, in part, to an inaccurate NYPD profile of the offender. Because they believed he was guilty, detectives interrogated Deskovic in a manner that improperly exploited his youth, naivetÈ and psychological vulnerability, thereby eliciting a false inculpatory statement. The prosecution, which, like the police, believed it had its man, failed to undertake a necessary reassessment of its case when scientific facts emerged (e.g., DNA and hair evidence) that appeared to exculpate Deskovic. Specifically, the record indicates that all investigation ceased after police obtained Deskovic's purported confession. The prosecution apparently did little or nothing to corroborate the theories it employed to square the scientific evidence with Deskovic's guilt.
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