Value of Reid Training

Written By: Reid
Oct 15, 2007
Throughout the year we receive feedback from†hundreds of our seminar graduates on the value of attending our seminar on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation - here are two recent ones:

Good morning,

I wanted to let you know how much your training helped me during a complicated interview I conducted just a few weeks after taking your course.† I am a Child Protective Services Investigator in Fairfax County Va.†Shortly thereafter, I was called to investigate a suspected case of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. I† arrived at the hospital and found that no officer had responded. The Doctor who had made the complaint was very convinced that this Mother had been systematically been poisoning her 3 year old child. The doctor had attempted to have cameras installed in the room, but had been unable to convince the hospital due to legal concerns. I arrived and the decision was made that I would do the interview. I was told ahead of time that it is very difficult to get someone with Munchausen to admit to what they have been doing, but fresh out of Reid I was anxious to try. I spoke with the mom for about 1 and 1/2 hours. I was able to walk her though the steps just as I had learned. At the end of the hour she told me what she had been doing to her baby! I could tell from my training and watching her body language that she was going to tell me. It is a very exciting to see something like that unfold in front of me. After the interview, we restricted mom from all contact with her child.† The child, who had stopped walking and eating any solids, was within 24 hours waddling down to the playroom and eating hamburgers. It was truly an amazing feeling. I taped the interview and have since shared it with others. Of course giving my Reid experience all the credit! I am hoping to be able to attend your advanced training at some point. The skills I learned have been invaluable. Thank you so much.

Sincerely,Lisa Alexander
Fairfax Child Protective Services


Thank you so much for the Reid book that you gave me a couple of weeks ago at the seminar in Minnesota.† I have been to a lot of training seminars and this class was right up at the top of the seminars that I have attended (and I have been to some good seminars).† I am actively encouraging our detectives to come back to using the Reid technique.† A lot of them are telling me that they use portions of Reid, but after attending the class, it is my belief that the model must be followed perfectly to maximize truthful information.† Thank you again.

Michael D. Wentzell
Carver County Attorney


My name is Ryan Atkinson and I recently attended the 3 day Reid seminar and 1 day advanced seminar in Owasso, OK.† I am employed by the Stephens County Sheriff's Office. When I returned home, I had the opportunity to use the Reid technique in a 10 year old rape and sodomy case.† I am extremely happy to report that the technique worked.† First, I interviewed the suspect and found his responses, non-verbal behavior, and paralinguistic responses to show deception.† After the interview, I left the room and reentered after a short break.† When I reentered the room, I began the interrogation and got a confession in under 5 minutes.† I can't begin to explain how†it felt when†I got the confession.† I truly appreciate the wonderful class and priceless information that Reid has to offer.††