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False Confession Experts
UPDATE - What do the courts say about the testimony of false confession experts?
Apr 15, 2011
(On August 13, 2010 we posted the original article on this information. Since that time we have updated the list with some new names and cases).
For the past several years...
Testimony on False Confessions to New York State Justice Task Force
Mar 09, 2011
In front of a New York State Justice Task Force subcommittee on false confessions, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner testified to a stark lack of science informing the understanding of false confessions...
What do the courts say about the testimony of false confession experts?
Aug 13, 2010
For the past several years the courts have viewed with skepticism the testimony of "false confession experts", repeatedly suggesting that there is no actual science to support their views but rather, anecdotal...
Alaska court excludes testimony of Dr. Richard Ofshe
Mar 04, 2010
On February 17, 2010 the Alaska Superior Court, Third District, in the case of State vs. Williams, granted the prosecutor's motion to preclude the testimony of the defense expert on false confessions...
Court rejects expert testimony on confessions (Dr. Deborah Davis); upholds confession admissibility (Reid Technique)
Mar 25, 2009
In the case of People v. Gallo, Dr. Deborah Davis testified for the defense at the suppression hearing (click here for a copy of her Power Point slides) but the court rejected...