“American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement

Written By: Joseph P. Buckley
Feb 13, 2025

In a recent article published February 10, 2025 entitled, “American Nightmare” survivors Denise Huskins, Aaron Quinn use their trauma to help retrain law enforcement by Julie Watts from CBS News California Investigates, the article focuses on the need for investigators to utilize interviewing techniques that are "science based methodologies."

The author describes that in the Huskins / Quinn case

  • the interrogation lasted 18 hours
  • the interrogator created "a high-pressure environment, often by isolating" the subject
  • one of the subjects were falsely told that they failed a polygraph test
  • the investigator stated that if they said that the crime was an accident they could get a more lenient treatment

The article states that tactics like the above are "traditional" interrogation techniques often associated with the Reid Technique.

In response to her call to our office, we provided the author with references to written documentation that details the Reid Technique Principles of Practice and advised her of the following information during our phone conversation which she references in the article:

According to Joseph Buckley, president of John E. Reid and Associates, The Reid Technique teaches investigators not to make promises of leniency, not to threaten the subject with physical harm or inevitable consequences, not to conduct excessively long interrogations, not to deny the subject any of their rights, etc. He argues that proper training in the Reid Technique is based on science-based methodology, adding that coercive behaviors are not part of the technique......and stating that Reid recommends that if, at the 3 or 4-hour mark during an interrogation, the subject remains adamant in their denials, the investigator should re-evaluate the situation.

Quinn’s interrogation lasted 18 hours.

The Reid Technique has employed and has been based on “science-based methodology” for over 7 decades.

For a detailed description of the science-based methodologies that serve a the foundation of the Reid Technique,see our Investigator Tip, The Reid Technique: Science-Based Interviewing.