A Compendium of law relating to the electronic recording of custodial interrogations

Written By: Reid
Sep 29, 2012
This article, written by Thomas Sullivan and published in the March/April of Judicature, the publication of the American Judicature Society, details the current laws and judicial decisions related to electronic recording of custodial interrogations of felony suspects.

A Compendium which summarizes Attorney Sullivan's current knowledge of the law and practice in each of the states and several federal investigative agencies, as well as references to national organizations that have endorsed recording, and a bibliography of articles on the topic can be found at http://www.ajs.org/ajs/publications/Judicature_PDFs/955/ajs_955_compendium.asp

Furthermore, Attorney Sullivan has advised us that he offers his assistance in connection with passage of recording legislation. He favors the Uniform Electronic Recordation of Custodial Interrogations Act, adopted in 2010 by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, available at http://www.law.upenn.edu/bll/archives/ulc/erci/2010final.htm
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