Frank Schumpert, CRT

Frank is a seasoned law enforcement professional and trainer with expertise in criminal investigations, financial crimes, and hostage/crisis negotiation. He began his career as a Deputy Sheriff and Investigator at the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Department in South Carolina in 2011. While serving as an Investigator Frank handled various offenses, including sexual assault cases, elderly abuse, burglaries, larcenies, and general crimes.

Since 2019 while serving as a Special Agent for the South Carolina Department of Revenue’s Criminal Investigations Division, Frank obtained extensive financial crimes investigative experience specifically in the fields of tax evasion and money laundering cases.

Since taking his first Reid seminar in 2014, Frank has conducted numerous interviews and brought several of his cases to successful conclusion by using the methods taught by Reid.

Frank is a seminar instructor for John E. Reid and Associates, and holds a bachelor’s degree in history, from the University of South Carolina. He is a member of the Reid Institute since 2014, and a member of the South Carolina Negotiators Alliance since 2013.

Upcoming programs taught by Frank Schumpert, CRT